Meet Flow’s Newest Apprenticeship Program Graduate, Brittany Barney

April 25, 2023

Learn more about how Flow’s Content Marketing Apprenticeship helped Brittany Barney grow as a professional digital marketer.

 Min read
September 2, 2020

By Shaye Moessner

Brittany Barney was scrolling through a Facebook “Work from Home” group when she first learned about Flow’s content marketing apprenticeship program. 

“It wasn’t like anything I had seen before,” she said. “It definitely seemed like an opportunity to do more than your typical customer service. I was really interested in learning about marketing, so it was right up my alley.” 

After applying and getting accepted into the program, Brittany joined the Flow team in December of 2018. On September 1, she graduated with multiple marketing tools in her toolbox, including experience in content marketing, client reporting, customer support, and team management. 

One of the best parts about Flow’s content marketing apprenticeship, says Brittany, is that she was able to learn on the job. 

“A lot of positions want you to come in with a certain number of years’ worth of experience,” she said. “This isn’t always possible or reasonable for everyone. [Flow] trains you on everything you want to know while you’re doing the duties that you’re expected to do, which is very, very important. It’s been great.” 

Brittany began her content marketing apprenticeship with Flow as a chat agent. She learned about Flow’s chat clients, then took on chats full-time. Within six months at Flow, Brittany was already taking on new responsibilities. 

“It was great to be recognized for my work,” said Brittany. “It didn’t take long to hear feedback and be told, ‘You’re doing great, keep up the good work.’ That, and being able to progress really quickly, are some of my favorite memories from this apprenticeship. I was able to move up the ladder with all the things I had learned.” 

Brittany began working more with content marketing, distributing articles and social media statuses, managing graphics, and reporting stats about live chat and content for Flow’s clients. Throughout the course of the apprenticeship, she’s also become a certified professional digital marketer. 

“One of my favorite parts of the role was getting to try a little bit of everything,” she said. “I get to see what I’m good at and what I like.” 

Content marketing was one of the things that stood out most to Brittany. She wrote several articles for Flow during her apprenticeship (she’s most proud of Customer Service Voice: 5 Ways to Create a Cohesive Experience”) and has decided that she’d like to pursue content marketing as a career path in the future. 

Once she graduates from Flow’s content marketing apprenticeship program, she’s going to stay with the team as their Customer Success Team Lead. She has excelled in this role, which she entered into during her apprenticeship. 

“The most important thing I’ve learned from [this role] is how to make decisions business-first, yet not forget about my team members,” said Brittany. “I’ve learned to make decisions that are good for the company and good for the people. It’s really important to keep a balance between the two.” 

What Brittany has learned about team management as the Customer Success Team Lead is one of many things she’s learned from her Flow apprenticeship. Since Flow is a smaller company, it’s been easy for her to spend time with team members, learning from their expertise, and utilizing their feedback to grow professionally. 

“I’ve worked at companies in the past that were really big, and I felt like I was just a number,” she said. “Being able to have one-on-one attention at an agency this size has been great. If I’m struggling with something, there’s always someone available to help me. I’ve been able to look at my strengths and weaknesses, and learn more about myself while I learn about the business. [This experience] has been very constructive for me.” 

Brittany, we can’t wait to see where you take everything you’ve learned at Flow. There’s no doubt in our mind that you’re going to continue moving up the ladder and doing great things. Thank you for all of your hard work, and congratulations on graduating Flow’s content marketing apprenticeship program! 

Related: Flow’s Content Marketing Apprenticeship Program 

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